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MovingStar 101 SF Ultra Light - grün

Produktinformationen "MovingStar 101 SF Ultra Light - grün"

Unser leichtester Elektrorollstuhl
- einfach faltbar und zerlegbar
- leicht verstaubar
- ideal als Reisebegleiter im Auto oder Zug oder Flugzeug
- nur 17,8 Kg Gesamtgewicht inkl. Akku!

Maße Fahrmodus: 62 x 91,5 x 78,5 cm (B x H x T)
Maße zusammengefaltet: 62 x 27,5 x 102 cm (B x H x T)
Sitz: 43 x 45 cm (B x T)

Höhe Rückenlehne: 43 cm
Gewicht: 17,8 Kg
Max. Belastbarkeit: 120 kg
Geschwindigkeit: max. 6 km/h
Wendekreis: Wendekreis: auf der Stelle
Reichweite: max. 15 km
Reichweite: max. 15 km
Max. Steigung: 10 %
Motor: 2 bürstenlose Gleichstrommotoren 24 V, 200 W, 10,5 Ah
Batterie: Akku: 1x 24 V, 10,5 Ah, Lithium-Ionen, 250 Wh
Besonderheiten: Mit wenigen Handgriffen lässt er sich in folgende Teile trennen:

- Antriebseinheit inkl. Tragegriff 7,6 Kg
- Sitzeinheit (Faltstuhl mit Joystick) mit 8,4 Kg
- Akkueinheit ~ 1,75 Kg flugreisentauglich

Hier Bezugfarbe grün

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Frage : I have a few additional questions regarding the Moving Star 101 Ultra Light. 1. How does the footrest fold up (e.g. up towards the seat or back underneath the seat)? 2. Does this chair have a manual mode that allows someone to push the chair, if desired? 3. For air travel, do you know if this chair can be taken to the gate or would need to be checked and is there a custom bag for storing the chair on an airplane? 4. Just to confirm the front wheels turn 360 degrees? 5. What is the cost of an additional battery? 6. What accessories are compatible with this chair (e.g. basket, lock, light, umbrella holder, etc)? 7. Would shipping to Italy be included in the listed price and still be possible within 1-3 days?
Von : einem Kunden

Antwort des Shopbetreibers:
to 1. the footrest akt like a swing so that you can get as close as possible to the vehicle and fold underneath the seat finally if folded.

to 2. yes the chair comes with a manual mode to push it if desired.
to 3. The MovingStar wheelchairs are brought to the gate like a pram / child stroller or wheelchair and loaded separately; nevertheless, we can also provide an aluminium box or bag if the device requires extra protection.
to 4. yes, the front wheels turn 360°
to 5. an additional battery = 790 Euro with 19% VAT.
to 6. you find the accessories beside the product in some minutes in our shop
to.7. unfortunateyl we need to charge dangerous goods surplus for lithium batteries and it is not as fast as a normal parcel - I would say 5 work days lead time within Italy main land. Shipping will be visible if loaded in the shopping cart and added your adress in the login.

Frage : Could you also please explain the warranty on this product?
Von : einem Kunden

Antwort des Shopbetreibers:
Warranty = 2 years; but without consumables like tires, bearings...

Frage : I would like to know the size of the front and back wheels on this wheelchair model (Moving Star 101 Ultra Light)? In addition what is your experience with it's ability to handle cobblestones or other uneven surfaces (I live in Italy, so cobblestons are at least 50% of the terrain in the city)? Finally, can the battery be recharged seperately from the wheelchair? Many thanks. Gillian
Von : einem Kunden

Antwort des Shopbetreibers:
The front wheel of the Ultra Light has a diameter of 17 cm and the rear wheels 25 cm. All PU tyres. The chassis of the wheelchair is unsprung; however, the taut chair cover absorbs some of the shaking.

I just did a test ride and it was for 10 meters on cobble stones - I had the feeling of a light, pleasant massage but I can't decide whether the light shaking becomes unpleasant in the long run. In any case, the Ultra Light masters cobblestones surprisingly well.
The battery can be rechared seperately and you can even handle two (f.e. one is charging the other one in action).
Beste Grüße - escooter.de