eSMALL VEHICLE (eKFV) up to 20 km/h
- No helmet requirement, use of cycle paths and streets if there is no cycle path available, insurance sticker i.e. compulsory insurance.
- "The ELECTRIC SMALL VEHICLES are ideal for close-range use and as a shuttle "PNV is a perfect complement to use cross-connections; to make the last mile or to reach poorly developed areas quickly and effortlessly - so I can hop on the subway and drastically shorten my commute without traffic jams." /span>
eLIGHT MOFA up to 20 km/h
- Usually. no helmet requirement, use of cycle paths: not clarified within town (please ask the authorities if necessary); According to our information, light mopeds up to 500 watts should always use the cycle path, outside of town, cycle paths are generally mandatory, no driver's license requirement, i.e. moped test certificate is sufficient or born before April 1, 1965 or all other driving licenses are sufficient, insurance requirement via insurance plate = small Moped sign ~ € 70 per year. Information without guarantee.
- "The e-light mopeds offer fully electric riding with no helmets and are tolerated on the bike path. Our most popular Vehicle type"
eMOFA up to 25 km/h
- Helmet requirement, cycle path in town only possible if mopeds are allowed, outside of town generally mandatory, no driving license required, i.e. moped test certificate sufficient or in advance Born April 1, 1965 or all other driving licenses are sufficient, compulsory insurance via insurance plate = small moped plate ~ € 70 per year. Information without guarantee.
- "The eMofas with 25 km/h are relevant for people for whom the light moped limit of 20 km/h is too slow and who are not afraid of a helmet"
- Helmet compulsory, road compulsory i.e. it is generally allowed to ride on the road even if there are cycle paths; Bicycle path not usable in town; possible outside of town. , compulsory driving license for at least car class 3 or B or a moped driving license class M from 16 years of age, compulsory insurance by insurance plate = small moped plate ~ € 70 per year. Information without guarantee.
- "Ideal for quickly reaching medium-distance destinations. Primarily we find people here who use these e-scooters as a car replacement or Caravanists who use these types of e-scooters as shuttles"
eSCOOTER without registration
- Since these e-scooters do not have to go through any road approval procedures, free design and free power development are possible here. Popular for campsites, hotel areas, warehouses, farms, paddocks, marinas and many other areas that are not the &oum