- With the retrofit motor kits, normal bicycles can be converted into Pedelecs as long as the quality specifications are correct. Whether front hub drive, mid-engine, rear hub drive; If you want to retrofit your bike, there are several variants available.
- No helmet requirement, no insurance requirement, use of cycle paths in general yes, status like a motorless bicycle, even hybrid bikes with a starting aid that can drive on motor power alone up to 6 km/h are considered bicycles!

- eBIKE eLEICHTMOFA (fully electronic electric bicycle version) are controlled by a throttle twist grip
- No helmet requirement, use of cycle paths yes (in town it is legally unclear whether light mopeds are generally allowed to use the cycle path; according to our experience, light mopeds should always ride on the cycle path), out of town cycle paths are generally mandatory, no driving license requirement, i.e. moped test certificate is sufficient or before April 1st. Born in 1965 or all other driving licenses are sufficient, compulsory insurance via insurance plate = small moped plate ~ € 70 per year.
- As with the moped, the engine power is regulated exclusively via a twist grip. Motorization and muscle power therefore act as drive systems independently of one another. Of course you can join at any time; must but not.
- So pure engine operation, hybrid operation and pure bicycle operation are possible.
SEMI-ELECTRIC Pedelecs with bicycle status up to 25 km/h (bicycle status)
- HYBRID BIKES / PEDELECS (Electrically Power-Assisted Cycle or Pedal Electric Cycle)
- No helmet requirement, no insurance requirement, use of cycle paths in general yes, status like a motorless bicycle, even hybrid bikes with a starting aid that can drive on motor power alone up to 6 km/h are considered bicycles!
- ... despite supporting motorization, they are considered bicycles in the EU and are therefore not subject to registration. According to EU guidelines, Pedelecs may be motor-assisted up to a maximum speed of 25 km/h and have a starting aid up to 6 km/h.
SPEEDBIKE or eLIGHT POWER BIKE up to 45 km/h often with eBIKE LIGHT MOFA FUNCTION, i.e. fully electric riding up to 20 km/h included.
- Helmet requirement since 2013, cycle path only outside of town. Road use outside of town permitted; i.e. no obligation to have cycle paths outside of town... which can be very time-saving for commuters and speed riders. Driver's license required at least car class 3 or B or a moped driver's license class M from 16 years of age, compulsory insurance via insurance plate = small moped plate ~ € 70 per year.
- "Ideal for quickly reaching medium-distance destinations. Primarily we find people such as commuters who use these eBikes as a replacement for cars"